Throughout his career, Luke Penman’s focus has been squarely on helping others.
Having worked in community radio, the local music industry, and in various roles at Adelaide’s festivals, Luke’s personal commitment to
social justice and making a positive difference has underpinned his professional choices.
“One of the highlights of my career has been seeing how powerful live performance can be in bringing people from all different backgrounds
together,” Luke explains.
“While I was at Adelaide Festival, I loved working on the Tix for Next to Nix program, ensuring that customers facing disadvantage could
still attend incredible life-changing and life-affirming performances.”
Making an intentional move into philanthropy, Luke’s decision to join the Wyatt team came from a desire to make an even more direct
difference in people’s lives.
As Relationship Manager, Luke works in Wyatt’s Direct Grants program to provide targeted support for people experiencing financial hardship.
“Having been raised by a single mum, I learned early on how to recognise when there’s someone in a room who mightn’t feel like they can
speak up, but whose voice should be heard,” Luke explains.
“My values are very aligned with those of Wyatt and I love being part of a team whose work, as part of a larger community of organisations,
is making life easier for others.
“Everyone here genuinely cares about making people’s lives better and wants to ensure the impact we’re having is as strong as it can
possibly be. It’s uplifting to be a part of that.”