
The Wyatt Trust is committed to the process of reconciliation.

Statement from the Governors of The Wyatt Trust

On behalf of The Wyatt Trust, the Governors acknowledge the harmful impact of settlement by European colonisers on the Aboriginal people of this land, and the ongoing effect on Aboriginal people today.

We accept that the wealth of the original bequest is largely derived from land purchased by William Wyatt which was unceded by the Aboriginal owners. 

We are deeply sorry for the part our benefactor played in the dispossession of land and participation in colonial systems that caused cruel treatment of Aboriginal people in the colony of South Australia.

We are sorry for what has occurred and the harm done.

Moving forward requires us to seek counsel from Aboriginal people about what action we can take to fulfill the anti-poverty mission of the Trust while making redress for the unjust sources of the wealth. We have commenced seeking such advice.


The Wyatt Trust is committed to the process of reconciliation. In 2017 Wyatt accepted the invitation from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to stand by the Uluru Statement From The Heart. Listening to and respecting the voices of First Nations people is fundamental to the way we work.

Our reconciliation journey began in 2017 with our first Reconciliation Action Plan (Reflect), led by a Working Group which included partners and stakeholders under the expert guidance of Parry Agius.

Our journey continued with our Innovate RAP as a practical expression of our desire to contribute meaningfully to reconciliation in Australia. This includes reflecting on the way we use our resources while working alongside First Nations peoples and communities and doing all we can to seek improvements in health, education, housing and living conditions and contributing to a sense of unity and share opportunity.

The RAP process has not only deepened our understanding and ability to better support First Nations peoples, but also spurred us to examine the Trust's own history through an ongoing truth-telling project with the help of Dr Jenni Caruso.

Our ongoing commitment to reconciliation continues, now beyond the RAP framework. Download a pdf copy of Wyatt's recent reconciliation activities here

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